
2017 Indy Monumental Half Marathon


It’s been over a week since I ran the CNO Indy Monumental Half Marathon, which means this recap is about 8 days past due. Spoiler alert: a new PR. Hello! It wasn’t a perfect race, and I definitely made some mistakes in the first half, though I’ve tried not to dwell on that too much. Don’t get me wrong, this was a great step forward, and I’m proud to have run a PR...

Race Week Things


This week is the somewhat predictable mix of nerves and doubt (plus excitement), a.k.a. the pre-race racing of the mind. I’m sure if you were able to record my internal dialogue it would be some manic jumble that would leave you awkwardly shaking your head and backing away slowly. At least there are some more reasonable thoughts in there too like “Did I do/think this last time?”...

On the Flipside


This is day 7 of my 30 day writing challenge. Hello from the other side of my race! I just wanted to write a quick note to say that I survived, the race went well, though not quite as well as I had hoped, but realistically I’m new to the 5k game and have to take it in stride that short and fast is a new feeling for me. Having said all that, I finished in 21:01, which is about a 16 second...

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