CategoryOdds and Ends

Clean State


Today is June 11, 2019 (in case digital timestamping fails me here later), and I am exactly 150 days away from my next marathon. Monumental, here I come! This will be my fourth marathon ever, but really only my second-ish marathon in my self-proclaimed second running life. (If you take a long hiatus from running or racing you’re allowed to start over and approach each race with the wonder...

Tis the Season


Aah, it’s that time of year again…when things start to slow down with the darker, colder days, and also feel frenetic around holidays, travel, obligation. But it’s also the time of year that tends to force reflection, so if, say, you have a defunct blog sitting out there ready to welcome you back with one simple login, you might be compelled to actually login and start typing.

Good Gravy


Hello and happy Friday! I’m feeling especially perky this morning. It’s my rest day and I slept in for an extra, glorious hour and a half. I had some speed work yesterday that was especially challenging due to the wind, and it’s also been a busy week in my non-running life. Lots to do, lots of places to be, and lots of wet weather to contend with. I’ve been biking to work...

A Love Letter


It’s Valentine’s Day, and I’m really okay with hearts, candy, and waxing poetic about things I love. Maybe it’s the weather, or a raw emotional feeling lately, but my desire to pay homage feels especially heightened today. I can feel those sorta crunchy cinnamon hearts stuck in my teeth, and the smooth, powdery goodness of an invitation to be mine yours. Let’s all...

More Focus


I was just sitting here glancing at my training calendar for the upcoming week, and spied a speed workout for tomorrow that got me legitimately excited, like go home and layout my gear excited, and make a new, special playlist excited. Weather permitting, I should be in for a fun workout, but the excitement itself is more noteworthy than whatever happens when my feet hit the (cold) pavement. So...

On Running, Storytelling, and Self-Identification


Blogging has been a precariously stop and start project for me here, as I’m sure you could deduce from the number of, and time in between, my posts. I’m afraid that every time I sit down to write I end up writing about writing itself, and not about life or my physical adventures. There’s been a lot of buzz lately about running and storytelling, or running as a way to tell your...

Race Week Things


This week is the somewhat predictable mix of nerves and doubt (plus excitement), a.k.a. the pre-race racing of the mind. I’m sure if you were able to record my internal dialogue it would be some manic jumble that would leave you awkwardly shaking your head and backing away slowly. At least there are some more reasonable thoughts in there too like “Did I do/think this last time?”...

Poetry in Motion


I suppose it’s inevitable that when you get to the end of a training cycle, project, etc. you stop to reflect on the leg of the journey you’ve just completed, and while I’ve done my fair share of reflecting on the specifics of workouts and paces, mostly I find myself pondering what it means to me to be on this particular journey. I am both a physical and, for lack of a better...

That First Cold Run


This morning when I checked the temp to suit up for my run, I was greeted with the harsh reality of a 35 degree low. Yes, it’s late October, but this cold snap came on very suddenly. Sunday afternoon I was sitting on my porch in a very comfortable 70-something degrees. But even if it had been a more gradual descent into colder weather, and this morning hadn’t felt quite so jarring...

Still Kicking


I’ve been feeling the itch to write lately, and I remembered this little space of mine sitting here neglected, so I blew the digital dust off my login screen and am sitting here wanting to say everything and nothing (but mostly everything). First thing’s first, I’m gearing up for a half marathon and training is going swimmingly. I am loving my workouts, I am hitting my goals...

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