Tagrace preparation

Race Week Things


This week is the somewhat predictable mix of nerves and doubt (plus excitement), a.k.a. the pre-race racing of the mind. I’m sure if you were able to record my internal dialogue it would be some manic jumble that would leave you awkwardly shaking your head and backing away slowly. At least there are some more reasonable thoughts in there too like “Did I do/think this last time?”...

Race Week Rituals and Superstitions


Race week, you sneaky little devil. I don’t know about you, but it’s impossible to avoid the ritualization and superstition that comes with the final few days leading up to a race, the overwhelming need to replicate this week exactly as it was before a good race. Case in point: this morning I woke up on the wrong side of the bed and found myself wondering if I was in a bad mood the...

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