
Running as Catharsis


This is day 5 of my 30 day writing challenge. It’s race weekend! Even though shorter races require less prep and travel, they’re still exciting and I’m starting to really enjoy them. So, Sunday morning I will (hopefully) be bright eyed, bushy tailed, and ready to run my ass off. In the meantime, I’m enjoying the slowness of Friday and the lazy evening I have in store. This...

Like a Rock


After being bone tired yesterday, like barely able to walk home tired, I accomplished my two main goals for last night and this morning: 1) sit on couch and enjoy my ongoing Gilmore Girls reunion; and 2) go to bed early and sleep the fuck in. I’m happy to report I stayed awake for two full episodes with the Lorelais, not to mention that one of these was probably my favorite episode, and...

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